An emmy-nominated digital designer based in Wellington, New Zealand. I see design as bigger than just an act of creation. It's a way of solving complex problems, uniting people around common goals, and making the world a better place.

Why Design?

I’ve always wanted to create. It stems from a desire to express myself, to get my mind out on paper; my thinking and ideas in visual form. Whether it was ideating characters, crafting hand-made publications or simply the pleasure of putting a pencil to paper. I enjoy the process. Growing up as a digital native meant I’ve have always had technology around me. Whether it was early access to the Internet, music streaming services, online video game platforms, readily available movies and TV shows and mobile phone technology. I love that I can now use that technology to aid what I do. With an eye for detail, and a tendency toward perfectionism, design feels like a natural way of out-working all these things.

But above everything else the biggest thing design has taught me is to challenge the way I think and see the world. I’m excited that this is something bigger than an act of creation. It is a way of solving complex problems, a way of uniting people around common goals, and actually just making the world a better place. I’m ready to leap in.